Harvey Rumplemeyer

Harvey Rumplemeyer and the Reason for the Season

Harvey Rumplemeyer and the Reason for the Season

ISBN: 978-1505490350

Harvey Rumplemeyer is a space-time traveler from the future! He LOVES traveleling backwards and forwards in time, having amazing adventures and meeting new people – no matter how strange! But where Harvey is from in the future, there is no Christmas! Harvey only knows of it because of his adventures […]

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Harvey Rumplemeyer and David and Goliath

Harvey Rumplemeyer - Book 2

Coming Soon

Once upon a time there was a space-time traveler named Harvey Rumplemeyer. Not only did he like to travel all over the universe but he liked to travel back and forth through time too! And one of his favorite times to travel to was Fake Bible times. Now, to me […]

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Harvey Rumplemeyer and the Planet Discombobulated

Harvey Rumplemeyer - Book 1

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Once upon a time, there was a space-time traveler named Harvey Rumplemeyer who liked to travel through space and time and explore throughout the galaxy checking out new places. He would travel here and there and anywhere else he could in search of new places to see. Well, this one […]

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